Soul Matters Circles
Soul Matters groups explore a monthly theme with a packet of resources that include spiritual practices, readings, and discussion questions, and gather in a group of 6-10 to reflect on the theme and share their thoughts with each other either once or twice a month. As groups organize, they will be listed here if they have openings.
2nd Wednesdays Circle, 1-2:30pm, facilitated by Pat Sonnenstuhl and Aurora Winters, held at OUUC
2nd and 4th Wednesdays Circle, 2pm-3:30pm, facilitated by Woody Moore, held at a member’s home
1st and 3rd Tuesdays on Zoom circle, 7pm-8:30pm, facilitated by Woody Moore.
4th Sundays Circle, 4-5:30pm, facilitated by Anne Radford and Kate Dorsey, held at Kate’s apartment (3rd floor with stairs to climb, and toddler and kittens will be present)
3rd Thursdays, 3-4:30pm, starting October 19th, facilitated by Nancy Curtiss and Linden Bentley, hosted at OUUC
For the 2022-23 Program year OUUC is trying a new model of small group ministry, with Study/Action Circles. Study and Action Circles are a small group (6-10) people who meet once or twice a month for 6-9 months. The groups have three goals: to form relationship and get to know each other better, to study and think about important ideas and grow individually and spiritually, and to apply our learning and growth as action in the world (and then to learn and grow more through those actions).
Scheduled Groups:
Caste Study/Action Group
Study/Action Circle to study Isabel Wilkersons book CASTE
– Diana Finch and Don Melnick will co-facilitate
– An in-person organizational meeting will be held at OUUC during the week of October 17th (specific day/time TBA), then the group will decide when/where they want to meet going forward.
– At that time we will:
+ agree how frequently we’ll meet and how we’ll conduct study circle meetings
+ prepare a “draft covenant” for how we want to be together
+ discuss questions
– We’ll forward study materials on covenanting in advance of this meeting