Please use the method that works best for you.

1 – Donate online.
Interested in setting up an automatic payment plan?
Church members with OUUC Connect/Realm accounts can do so by logging into their accounts.
If you are not an OUUC Connect/Realm user yet, please contact the office for more information.
Charitable Qualified Distributions (QCD)
If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a tax-free distribution from your IRA to OUUC
This is called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD), and it is nontaxable if it is made directly from your IRA to OUUC or another qualified charity. If you have retirement assets in a 401(k), 403(b), etc., you must first roll those assets into an IRA, and then can make the transfer from the IRA directly to the charity.
Who qualifies?
- Individuals who are at least age 70½ at the time of the contribution.
How much can I transfer?
- Up to $100,000 for each year.
From what accounts can I make transfers?
- Transfers must come from IRAs (other than a SEP or SIMPLE IRA) directly to the charity.
What are the tax implications?
- The transfer is not considered income for federal tax purposes if it goes directly from the IRA provider to the charity. Because the distribution is nontaxable, you are not eligible for an income tax charitable deduction.
- Individuals are required to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from their retirement plans each beginning the year after they turn 70 ½. IRA transfers to the charity reduce the taxable amount of your RMD.
IRA / Stock Donations
How can I transfer funds to OUUC from my IRA?
- Contact your IRA custodian to contribute from your IRA to OUUC. This contribution will be acknowledged by OUUC and count toward your pledge.
Can I donate stock to OUUC?
- Thank you for your interest in donating stock. OUUC processes stock donations through the UUA’s Umbrella Giving Program. Please contact our Business Manager for more information.