Worship services are held every Sunday at 10 AM.
You are welcome to join us online (links below) or onsite at OUUC.
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Our spiritual practice for September is Invitation.
Next Sunday, September 15, 2024:
“The Circle of Welcome” with Rev. Nancy Reid-McKee
As UU’s we often talk of the value in belonging to a loving community. Let’s explore how we invite others into our community, and why it is that this is so important to us.
Speaker Bio: Rev. Nancy Reid-McKee recently retired from the Northlake UU Church in Kirkland, WA. Rev. Nancy attended the Starr King School for the Ministry along with our Rev. Mary Gear, graduating in 2018. She did her internship at the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock in New York, has served our faith tradition as President of the Starr King Graduate Association, Vice-President of the UU Women’s Federation, and currently serves as Chair of the UU Commission on Social Witness.
Sept. 15 After-Service Forum (11:30 am, onsite & online): One Parish, One Prisoner — Faith in Action
Last Sunday, September 8, 2024:
“Merging Streams, Transforming Lives: Water Communion Sunday”
with Rev. Sara Lewis & Rev. Carol McKinley
You have two options to attend OUUC Sunday Morning Service online:
Join us on Zoom to interact with the community
One tap mobile +16699006833,,873210124#
Dial +1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Password: 995142
Or watch the LiveStream on YouTube
Sharing from the Heart
Do you have something that you’d like to share with the congregation during our Sharing from the Heart ritual? This might be an event in your life or a transition of some kind. If so, please email SabbaticalMinister@ouuc.org by 8:00 p.m. Saturday evening for inclusion in the Sunday service. If received after that, we will share it the next Sunday.