I will be away on sabbatical from July 5-September 1, and then again Feb-April next year. What does that mean? Well, a sabbatical is a time away from regular work, supported by the congregation, for study and renewal. As part of my contract with OUUC, I’m eligible for sabbatical every five years, and I last took a sabbatical in 2014. I used that sabbatical to complete my credentialing as a religious educator with the Unitarian Universalist Association.
What will I be doing during this sabbatical? I will use this time to complete a big chunk of the requirements for my ordination from the Chaplaincy Institute, an Interfaith Chaplaincy seminary. I have to complete a 400 hour practicum, which for me is a self-designed project related to resiliency in the face of ecological challenge, that I am doing under supervision. I’ll be doing a great deal of writing and website design for that project this summer. You’ll hear more about this project in the Fall, for I plan to bring it to OUUC.
I’ll also hopefully have time for some rest, reading, and spiritual practice. I’m looking forward to this break, although I’m also eager to get back to OUUC and be with you all in the Fall as we begin a new congregational program year. I’m incredibly grateful for the support the congregation provides for my ongoing professional development. Thank you all for this opportunity.
If something comes up while I’m away, you can reach out to our Religious Education Assistant, Anissa Bentlemsani, at reassistant@ouuc.org. She can get you in touch with the Sabbatical Team as well. A big thank you to the Sabbatical Team who will be helping support my absence: Tiffany Felch, Teresa Madsen, Pat Sonnenstuhl, Gary Worthington, Steve Tilley, Jen Sabel, Karmel Shields, and Tim Ransom.