I’ve learned that sometimes the best thing you can do is to just show up. And I know that sometimes that is a challenge and a stretch.
When I learned from a colleague that the local mosque had been the victim of a hate crime and that there would be a vigil to show support, I knew showing up was the right thing. And it was a stretch to change around my calendar and make time for a couple of hours bearing in witness. I did it and I’m glad I did. I had the chance to connect with others in our community and to represent OUUC in interviews with two television stations. I learned again the power of showing up—it changes us, and it helps change the world. Thank you to those who showed up that day. And, for those who couldn’t or didn’t, I get it. Know that there are other opportunities and ways to show up.

One of the ways that many of us show up every week is attending Sunday worship services. We show up to connect with others, to be inspired, to refresh our spirits, and share with others. Every Sunday we take a collection and share our plate with a community organization in line with our mission and vision. Each year, a dedicated Share the Plate Team recruits proposals and decides who to support. The STP Team just finished this process for 2022 and selected six more very worthy and inspiring organizations that you will hear about in the months to come. When you have the chance, say thank you to the STP Team members: Bob Brennand, Anne Hundley, Seldon Hall, John Rapano, Zoe Myers, Maureen Fitzgerald, and John Gear.
This past year, OUUC shared the plate with five organizations and we’re working on the 6th. We receive wonderful thank you’s from those organizations, and I wanted to share one with you. This Summer OUUC shared the plate with the Family Support Center so they could purchase books for staff to support their anti-racism work. I got to know the FSC Executive Director and Deputy Director when we took a series of local YWCA anti-oppression workshops together. I was delighted to visit the FSC offices recently and see what our contributions did.

By showing up on Sunday and contributing to Share the Plate, you made a difference in the community.
In the weeks to come, may you show up in the ways that you can. Your presence matters.
Blessings on your week.
Rev, Mary