Belief – Class One
Two videos:
- UU Belief: UU History of Theological Evolution: stream using computer from Vimeo https://vimeo.com/253680899 7 min 38 sec.
- “Love is the Doctrine of this Church” stream from Vimeo of Sara telling the story of the covenant in the Dedham congregation: https://vimeo.com/293866894 7 min 30 sec.
Two handouts:
- I don’t ‘believe in’ the Seven Principles article by Muder
- 2017.10 The Commons eZine OUUC: A River of Change
Belief class Goals:
- Hear the history of UU’s evolving theology (beliefs)
- Unpack theological openness and diversity – we need not think alike to love alike and Love is the Doctrine
- Discuss the 7 Principles and Six Sources
- Intro to importance of covenant/Dedham story
Behavior – Class Two
OUUC Covenant: covenant
OUUC Bylaws amended April 2018
OUUC Organizational Chart 2017
Stewardship letter and info for 2019 pledge
intend to become a member form
Making Connections fall 2018 web version
Video describing OUUC’s structure: https://vimeo.com/247271101
Stream the video from OUUC’s Vimeo account, “2018 Stewardship 5” https://vimeo.com/239741590
Behavior class Goals:
- Understand how we are together as a covenantal spiritual community
- Understand how we are together as an organized institutional body
- Explore some of what UU’s do as Faith in Action
Belonging – Class Three
Story of James Luther Adams, told by Sara Lewis. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
- Stream video stored on vimeo.com: Minister-Congregation Relationship https://vimeo.com/307175286
- Stream video stored on vimeo.com: OUUC Members Speak https://vimeo.com/306484064