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OUUC Environmental Action Team Quarterly Topic: Carbon Fee and Dividend Legislation
January 10, 2023 10:34 amSave the Date: January 29, 11:30 am Speaker: Jim Lazar, Olympia Chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL). ( Jim will be presenting the basics of the CCL federal-level…
January 2023 Faith in Action Opportunities
January 10, 2023 10:20 amThere are so many opportunities to get engaged in Faith in Action this month! First up, a bit of UU insider activism. There is a proposed business resolution for the UUA to divest from fossil fuels. It…
Faith in Action Suggested Actions for the Week
December 13, 2022 1:31 pmFaith in Action Suggested Actions for the Week of December 12th There are always many ways to act on your UU faith values, but here are a few suggestions for this week. Support: Check out this Chance…
Are you curious about what the OUUC Tech Team does?
December 6, 2022 10:28 amWere recruiting more volunteers now, in anticipation of two Sunday worship services. Well hold a Tech Team Retreat on Saturday, December 10, for group orientation, training, and team building. This would…
Modified OUUC Schedule for This Snowy Thursday, December 1
December 1, 2022 9:25 amDear OUUC Community, It’s snowing in West Olympia with freezing temperatures expected, so we’re closing the OUUC building for today. Please stay home and safe, and join us online. Here’s…
2023 Share the Plate Recipients Chosen
November 27, 2022 10:55 amThe Share the Plate (STP) Committee has been busy the past month evaluating the sixteen applications we received and choosing six organizations that met the criteria of the STP application as well as…